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Welcome to Pug Reality TV

Friday, August 10, 2012

Who is cuter - Millie or Mosie? We need to hear from you.

Still photo by Kevin Mankowski
Mosie and Millie invite you to leave comments here regarding which of them is cuter. Click on the link above to see the video that will help you settle the cuteness controversy issue, then tell us what you think.
Musical composition "Happy 'Cuz I'm Cute" from the Christine Lorraine Mankowski Collection. The video was produced by Vacationing Parakeets Productions for Pug Reality TV.


  1. I'm going with Millie because she took the time to stop and smell the flowers or Mosie because I like her green bandanna. Decision is impossible! Sorry.

  2. I have absolutely no idea who's cuter. If I -really- had to choose, I'd just flip a coin.
